Mia harness was planned for speedriding, speedflying or groundhandling.

Its minimalistic design makes sure it will be useful in all situations where low weight and price will be the most important factors.
Splitted seat (no seatplate) and lack of integrated backpack resulted in very low weight of 800 g.
The harness is produced in one size, good for all pilots between 160-180 cm height and weighing up to 100 kg.
Harness is sold without the carabiners included.
Dudek Paragliders warns that due to constant process of development the actual product may differ slightly from the one described and seen above or in the manual. Possible differences will not affect the fundamental design parameters.
W zestawie nie ma karabinków.
Ponieważ produkty firmy Dudek Paragliders są nieustannie modyfikowane, te przedstawione na stronie mogą nieznacznie różnić się od obecnie produkowanych.