

POWAIR sp. z o.o.
ul. Centralna 2U,
86-031 Osielsko, Poland
VAT/NIP: PL 5541020838
District Court in Bydgoszcz, XIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register
KRS number 989807
Share capital of 2,000,000 paid up in full

Office hours: Mon – Fri 08.00 – 16.00

Our bank account details

Account number: PL35 1050 1139 1000 0023 2524 8843

All our bank account details for Euro payments you will find on the invoice as well. You can also contact us at:

Orders, shipments, deliveries: 

Service inspections

Sales network, dealer’s contact

Media, website


Our store and offices are located in Osielsko (on the road No. 5 from Bydgoszcz towards Gdańsk) at the crossing with the traffic lights, next to the POLO market. There is a Santander bank and we occupy the upper floor).

Coordinates GPS:
53°11’12.87″N (53.186880)
18°04’18.55″E (18.071886)

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ATTENTION – do not send or bring back the equipment until you agree on the optimal procedure, accept the deadline, costs, etc. If it is necessary to ship the equipment to us, it should be sent to the factory address (below).
More details


POWAIR sp. z o.o.
ul. Leśna 5
89-200 Kowalewo k/Szubina

All questions regarding the service and inspections send to


Coordinates GPS:
52°58’21.6″N (52.972660)
17°43’44.7″E (17.729078)

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We send the equipment by insured parcel via one of the courier companies with whom we have signed contracts. We always try to choose the best option in terms of cost and delivery time.
Less valuable assortment can be sent by registered mail.