Trimmer replacement set
Trimmer replacement set
Complete set replacing all trimmer mechanism in our trimmer-equipped paragliders.

The paramotor paragliders we produce have trimmers that can be changed if necessary.
Replacing the trimmers is sometimes necessary after prolonged or intensive trimmer use, due to trimmer tape deterioration caused by sharp edges of the buckles. However, the most often cause of a replacement is spontaneous unlocking of the trimmers in flight (mostly related to the tapes being slick after contact with oils or lubricants).
The set consists of:
- a pair of trimmer buckles with removable pins
- a pair of trimmer tapes with locking clasps
- a bit of glue to fix the screws guarding buckles’ pins against getting loose
If the old buckle has not a removable pin, you should destroy it with metal saw and replace with a new one.
Our new tapes have a marking system showing null position with fast (blue) and slow (red) setting areas. They are also equipped with loops for easier closing.
When ordering please specify type of the paraglider.