Free Flying


Free Flying


V-King is a compact paraglider EN B class, essentially created for free flying and paramotoring as well. Small dimensions after packing make the V-king an ideal traveller's wing for a chance flying in the farthest corners of the world.







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Design and purpose

Simple preparation for launch, easy, pleasant take-off and flight at a relatively low trim speed mean that flying becomes accessible to everyone, and learning it is pure pleasure.

The main advantage of the V-King is its compactness, still allowing for decent performance and pleasant handling. It is perfect to take it on a long journey, because it does not take up much space in your luggage (precious thing in air travels).
V-King is the perfect complement to the suitcase paramotors, recently appearing on the market.

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V-King belongs to the single-surface canopy class. There is fundamental difference between classic double skin and modern single skin canopies. All the launch, landing and steering techniques look a bit different. If you are an established paraglider pilot, you shouldn’t have any problems with adapting to the wealth of new possibilities brought to you by the V-King. However, this doesn’t work both ways: if you started your paragliding experience with the single-skin gliders, be aware that you are not qualified to safely fly standard double-surface canopies.


The idea of ​​creating a hybrid of the classic and single-skin paraglider was born as early as 1999, as a light alternative to the traction kite used in his treks by the well-known traveler and conqueror of both poles – Marek Kamiński. Due to the technical capabilities of the time and no demand for this type of construction, the project was suspended. At the beginning of 2014 however, the topic returned while working on a prototype of a paraglider RC model (two meter wingspan), powered by an electric drive – the S-lite. We focused on limiting the number of lines and in order to make it possible, our designer Piotr Dudek used V-supports for the first time in this type of construction.

The model and its performance proved so promising that at the end of 2016, the “V-King” project was launched. By using the appropriate number of cells, and a combination of V-supports as well as suspension fins, the minimum number of lines has been maintained under a relatively high wing load. We have devoted a lot of attention to securing an optimal canopy shape. The self-filling, closed tube on the leading edge effectively stiffens it, which is especially important in designs featuring small number of cells. Central tunnels running along the chord play a similar role.

Due to the unsheathed lines, we have reduced the weight and volume of the V-king when packed. It also has a positive effect on the speed of the wing.

The unusually long history of this wing and its development brought about revolutionary results. Compactness, very low weight, versatility and flying characteristics offer the pilots a lot of fun.

In the meantime, V-King became the prototype of the lightest paraglider in the world – Run&Fly.

See movie


During testing of subsequent prototypes, V-King aroused interest of instructors and school owners. The ease of launching results in quick and efficient mastering proper skills by the trainees. At a specific request of flying schools, we are currently preparing a dedicated ES version made of more durable, sheathed lines and thicker fabric.


The V-king has passed loading and flight tests, resulting in an EN-B certificate for all sizes. An ULM approval (DGAC) are completed too.

Construction solutions

Technologies, concepts

DOA - Dudek Optimized Airfoil

Dudek Optimized Airfoil It incorporates all our experiences stemming form previous designs and as a special feature is optimized with dedicated engineering software.

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LR - Laser Technology

Capabilities of the laser cutter allow for serial cutting of complicated shape narrow elements in large numbers, their optimal placing in relation to structure of the textile and highest possible precision of cut.

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FET - Flexi Edge Technology

The leading edge is closed to the airflow, and its precise shape is kept with laminated cloth reinforcements, incorporating synthetic rods. The rods make the leading edge stiffer and smoother, bringing improvements in many areas – from easier inflation, through stiffening the canopy in flight to improved general airflow.

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Risers functionality

Used solutions

SL - Smart Lock

This solution allows for quick attachment of steering handles to risers. Fastening is done by putting the magnetic element of the holder to the slot mounted on the tapes. On the other hand, the handle is detached only by pulling it down.

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SS - Speed System

A system of lines and pulleys sewn to the appropriate straps, connected to the bar hanging under the harness. It enables smooth adjustment of the angle of attack during the flight.

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ELR - Easy Launch Riser

Split ‘A’ riser makes for easier launch and ‘big ears’.

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Weight ranges


Size 16 18 20 23
Certification EN/LTF
Approval – ULM Identification
Number of cellsl 37 37 37 37
Wing area flat [m2] 16.00 18.00 20.50 23.50
Wing area projected [m2] 13.75 15.46 17.61 20.19
Wingspan flat [m] 8.76 9.29 9.92 10.62
Wingspan projected [m] 7.02 7.44 7.94 8.51
Aspect ratio flat 4.80
Aspect ratio projected 3.58
Sink rate [m/s] min = 1.2 (+/- 0.1 m/s)
Speed* [km/h] min = 35 ; max = 42 (+/-2 km/h)*
Lines + risers length [m]] 5.35 5.67 6.05 6.48
Total lines length [m] 285.64 303.63 324.76 348.48
Total take-off weight PG** [kg] 50-74** 60-85** 80-100** 100-130**
Total take-off weight – PPG*** [kg] 50-105*** 60-120*** 80-135*** 100-155***
Maximum symmetric control travel at maximum weight in flight [cm] 55 60 65 65
Distance betwen risers [cm] 40 44 46 48
Canopy weight [kg] 1.96 2.12 2.32 2.54
Lines A-8000U: 050; 070; 090; 130; 190; 230 / Technora: 190
Cloth Porcher 27 g/m2, Porcher Hard 32 & 27 g/m2

* Speeds are given as estimated for the middle wing size and the middle of its weight range. These speeds can vary within +/- 2 km/h depending on the size, take-off weight and additional factors such as air pressure and temperature.

** The basic rule is to choose the size of the wing so that the take-off weight is in the middle of the weight range. Less weight on the wing (lower range take-off weight) can be considered for foot take-off, when flying in calmerconditions, or when we want to improve economy. More experienced pilots who want to fly dynamically, have higher speed and fly in more demanding wind conditions can consider greater wing loading (take-off weight in the upper range). This is a common option among trike users.

*** Note – the canopy significantly changes its behavior with increasing wing loading. The greater the loads, the greater skill and concentration of the pilot are  required.

* Prędkości podane są szacunkowo dla środkowego rozmiaru skrzydła i środka jego zakresu wagowego. Prędkości te mogą się zmieniać w granicach +/- 2 km/h w zależności od rozmiaru, masy startowej i dodatkowych czynników takich jak ciśnienie i temperatura powietrza.

** Podstawową zasadą jest taki dobór rozmiaru skrzydła, by masa startowa znajdowała się w środku zakresu wagowego. Mniejsze dociążenie skrzydła (masa startowa w dolnym zakresie) można rozważyć przy starcie nożnym, latając w spokojniejszych warunkach, gdy zależy nam na poprawie ekonomii. Większe dociążenie skrzydła (masa startowa w górnym zakresie) mogą rozważać doświadczeni piloci, którym zależy na dynamice latania, większej prędkości i latających w bardziej wymagających warunkach wietrznych. Jest częściej spotykane wśród użytkowników wózków.

*** Uwaga – skrzydło zmienia znacznie swe zachowania wraz ze wzrostem obciążenia. Największe obciążenia wymagają największych umiejętności i najwyższej koncentracji ze strony pilota.