Universal 1.1
Paramotor / Easy

Universal 1.1

Paramotor / Easy

Universal 1.1

Universal is the first free flying (EN B) paraglider ever which can be converted by its user into a full-blood paramotor canopy (conforming to the DGAC standard).
Universal is a great free-flying recreational paraglide. Beginning pilots will surely appreciate exceptional comfort in uneasy thermals, resulting from considerable amount of reflex traits present in the design.

Universal 1.1






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Design and purpose

Universal is the first free flying (EN B) paraglider ever, which can be converted by its user into a full-blood paramotor canopy (conforming to the DGAC standard).

After activating the trimmers and installing the ALC + Universal 1.1  becomes a fully reflex wing with good economy, on which you can fly for recreational and cross-country flights, use thermals, and learn to fly with the engine.

Universal 1.1 is a refreshed version of its predecessor, with improved risers and a redesigned color scheme in the Four Elements palette. We replaced Dominico fabric with Porcher and changed the colors of the lines (according to PMA standards). We have modernized risers’ tooling, simplifying their structure, making them more transparent and more convenient to use. The basic parameters of the wing have not changed.


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Universal is dedicated for beginner and recreational pilots who fly:

  • exclusively free (but want to benefit from moderate reflex ability)
  • mostly free, sometimes with paramotor
  • both free and paramotor
  • mostly with paramotor, sometimes free
  • exclusively paramotor (but appreciate better economy, easier launch and nicer handling than in standard paramotor wing, like Synthesis2)

Important for instructors

Universal is perfect for initial PPG training.


Universal comes with factory-installed trimmers, but they are disabled (!), e.g secured with plastic buckle and hidden in a neoprene sock. Along with developing pilot skills, or by the judgement of instructors trimmers can be activated (half, of full), and TST toggles can be installed (kit included in the bag).


Both the EN and LTF certificates are valid only when the trimmers are closed AND the trimmer straps are locked with the locking clip shifted towards the trimmer buckle. The risers then remain fixed at their standard lengths and trimmer adjustment in flight is not possible.

When the trimmer straps become unlocked, making the trimmer adjustments possible, the canopy has an ULM (DGAC) flight attest in all available sizes.

Speed system

Size 34 is not equipped with a speed system, because this size is intended for flying on trikes.


The appearance of the Universal caused a lot of interest from clients. A lot of questions followed, so here you have answers for the most frequent ones:

Q: In what configuration is the Universal delivered (PG or PPG)?

A: The canopy is manufactured basically as free-flying (PG) wing, so this is its original configuration. However, it can be easily transformed into full-blood reflex paraglider by conscious releasing the trimmers and installing a ‘paramotor-set’, comprising the ALC+ lines and TST toggles.
It can be done on the ground only – unintentional releasing the trimmers in flight is not possible.

Q: Is there a ‘moto’ set available for the Universal?

A: Each Universal has a ‘paramotor-set’ attached (ALC+ lines and TST toggles). This is not the same, as ‘moto version’ of the Plus or Nemo2. Those paragliders have to be ordered in ‘moto’ version (with different risers and rigging), while the Universal is a canopy which can be altered to a paramotor state by the owner (as well as it can be reversed back to free flying version unassisted).

Q: Is the Universal an ‘all in one’ canopy, for any art of flying, like many other paragliders present on the market?

A: No. Universal 1.1 is EITHER a classic profile canopy for recreational free flying (in the factory, basic configuration), OR a full-blood training/recreational reflex canopy (after releasing the trimmers and installing ALC+ steering). As a PG paraglider it can be deemed something between the Plus and the Optic. As a PPG paraglider it will behave similarly to Synthesis2 (of course similar is not identical).

Q: What is included in the Universal on delivery – a MotoBag, or biggerbackpack for PG wings, which will house the harness too?

A: Since the basic configuration of the Universal is the free-flying version, the default package comprises:

  • DuraLight backpack
  • FastBag (quick bag)
  • other accesories (transport bag with compression strap, Easy Catch speedbar (not available in 34 size), pouch with documents and repair kit, wind direction indicator, small gadgets).

Construction solutions

Technologies, concepts

P&R - Push & Relax Technology

Push&Relax technology – PPG canopies marked with this symbol demonstrate exceptionally stable flight on full speed bar, that is at high speeds.

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DOA - Dudek Optimized Airfoil

Dudek Optimized Airfoil It incorporates all our experiences stemming form previous designs and as a special feature is optimized with dedicated engineering software.

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DRA - Dudek Reflex Airfoil

DRA – Dudek Reflex Airfoil -applied in PPG wings fully autostabilised arofoil, based on long years of research and experience. In our variant we managed to get rid of typical flaws associated with these aerofoils.

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CSG - Canopy Shape Guard

CSG – Canopy Shape Guard – is our unique system controlling canopy coherence. It is because of this system that our wings are equally tensioned, smooth, stable and… simply remarkable.

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LR - Laser Technology

Capabilities of the laser cutter allow for serial cutting of complicated shape narrow elements in large numbers, their optimal placing in relation to structure of the textile and highest possible precision of cut.

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FET - Flexi Edge Technology

The leading edge is closed to the airflow, and its precise shape is kept with laminated cloth reinforcements, incorporating synthetic rods. The rods make the leading edge stiffer and smoother, bringing improvements in many areas – from easier inflation, through stiffening the canopy in flight to improved general airflow.

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ACS - Auto Cleaning Slots

Dedicated slots automatically removing dirt from the wing tips.

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Risers functionality

Used solutions

TCT - Triple Comfort Toggle

An easy conversion from hard through medium to soft brake handles. Equippped with a swivel adn Easy Keeper.
Available standard (bigger) and short (smaller) versions.

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EK - Easy Keeper

Indigenous way to hold the brake handles at the risers that keeps them firmly in place, while both attaching and releasing goes smoothly and easily. Used in most of our handles (TCT, ACT, SCT).

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TR - Trimmers

A trimming system for additional angle of attack regulation. Used mainly in PPG wings.
This system features replaceable trim straps. After prolonged or intensive operation they need to be replaced, as they get damaged by buckle edges.

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SS - Speed System

A system of lines and pulleys sewn to the appropriate straps, connected to the bar hanging under the harness. It enables smooth adjustment of the angle of attack during the flight.

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ALC Plus - Alternative Steering System +

ALC+ allows for aggressive turns even at full speed without excessive alteration of the reflex airofoil. It is especially important in case of bigger canopies, inherently haunted by significant steering forces and low agility. When necessary, only the main steering handle can be used, with the ALC+ system ignored (rendering it inactive).

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TST - Tip Steering Toggles

Our original idea, featuring additional miniature handles that steer the stabilizers. It is a great improvement on long flights, when opened trimmers and full speedbar make steering much harder.

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ELR - Easy Launch Riser

Split ‘A’ riser makes for easier launch and ‘big ears’.

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Weight ranges


Size 23 25.5 28 31 34
Certification  EN/LTF B  EN/LTF B  EN/LTF B EN/LTF B
Approval – ULM identification yes yes yes yes yes
Cell number 50 50 50 50 50
Surface area flat [m2] 23.00 25.50 28.00 31.00 34.00
Surface area projected [m2] 19.83 21.98 24.14 26.72 29.31
Wingspan flat [m] 10.83 11.40 11.95 12.57 13.17
Wingspan projected [m] 8.71 9.17 9.61 10.11 10.59
Aspect ratio flat 5,10
Aspect ratio projected 3,83
Sink [m/s] min = 1,1
Speed* [km/h] min = 23; trim = 37-52; max = 57 (+/- 3 km/h)*
Longest chord [mm] 2612 2751 2882 3033 3176
Shortest chord [mm] 601 633 663 698 731
Lines+risers length [m] 6.82 7.18 7.53 7.92 8.29
Total lines length [m] 344.01 362.82 380.74 401.20 420.70
Weight range PPG/PPGG*** [kg] 60-95 70-115 90-140 110-170 135-215
Weight range PG** [kg] 60-75 70-95 90-115 110-140 (135-170)
Weight of the wing [kg] 5.6 5.95 6.4 6.85 7.35
Distance betwen risers [cm] 42 46 46 46 45-60
Lines Technora 90 & 140 & 190 & 280 & 340 & 420
Cloth Porcher Classic 38 g/m2
Dominico 34 g/m2, Porcher Hard 40 g/m2, SR Scrim, SR Laminate 180 g/m2
Risers Pasamon – Bydgoszcz, Polska

* Speeds are given as estimated for the middle wing size and the middle of its weight range. These speeds can vary within +/- 3 km / h depending on the size, take-off weight and additional factors such as air pressure and temperature.

** The basic rule is to choose the size of the wing so that the take-off weight is in the middle of the weight range. Less weight on the wing (lower range take-off weight) can be considered for foot take-off, when flying in calmer conditions, or when we want to improve economy. More experienced pilots who want to fly dynamically, have higher speed and fly in more demanding wind conditions can consider greater wing loading (take-off weight in the upper range). This is a common option among trike users.

*** Note – the canopy significantly changes its behavior with increasing wing loading. The greater the loads, the greater skill and concentration of the pilot are  required.


Leszek Klich

Advanced PPG pilot. Blog: https://www.paramotor.com.pl/

Universal is not a good choice for advanced pilots looking for adrenaline. Despite this, advanced pilots were impressed with its capabilities. Ease of take-off, greater maneuverability, and lower power requirements make this paraglider the perfect choice for pilots who want a wing for propulsion flights, but occasionally also in the mountains or in tow.

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